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2440 DMA寄存器总结

发布时间:2024-05-19 发布时间:

2440 DMA寄存器:

1.DISRCn(DMA initial source c):始端数据基地址。

2.DISRCCn(DMA initial source control register):始端总线类型(系统总线AHB or 外围总线 APB)和地址类型(increment or fixed)。

3.DIDSTn(DMA initial destination register):终端数据基地址。

4.DIDSTCn(DMA initial destination control register):中断产生时刻,终端总线类型(系统总线AHB or 外围总线 APB)和地址类型(increment or fixed)。

5.DCONn(DMA control register):

Demand mode or Handshake mode



the transfer size of an atomic transfer(1or4)

Single service mode or Whole service mode

DMA request source

Software source or Hardware source



Transfer count初始值

6.DSTATn(DMA status register):

ready or busy

Transfer count当前值

7.DCSRCn(DMA current source register):current source address

8.DCDSTn(DMA current destination register):current destination address

9.DMASKTRIGn(DMA mask trigger register):

Stop DMA

DMA channel on/off

S/W request mode 时用于触发DMA


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