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1st JavaScript Editor

1st JavaScript EditorTop
  1st JavaScript Editor 是一款强大的JavaScript开发、校验和调试工具,它简单易用,不论你是初学者或者是专业的开发人士,都可以轻松上手!同时它又是完美的Ajax (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML),CSS, HTML, DOM DHTML开发工具!
  Beside rich possibilities of editing scripts (JavaScript, HTML, CSS, VBScript, PHP and ASP(Net) syntax highlighting, etc) and the built-in preview, the program offers large snippets library with full collection of HTML tags, HTML attributes, HTML events, JavaScript events and JavaScript functions, attributes, statements and operators (such as window, document, frame, history, location, navigator, date, math, string, etc - at whole over 1200), allowing you to insert them into web page by click.
  它提供了简单而且实用的功能:丰富的代码编辑功能(JavaScript, HTML, CSS, VBScript, PHP ,ASP(Net)),语法高亮,内置预览功能,提供了完整的HTML 标记, HTML 属性, HTML 事件, JavaScript 事件和JavaScript 函数等完整的代码库,同时有着贴心的代码自动补全功能。
  1st JavaScript Editor Pro 3.8暂无汉化版,但熟练使用它,只需要初中的英语水平.这是一款易用贴心的软件,在此不在赘述,它详细的介绍可以看官方介绍; 同时它有两个版本,一个是:1st JavaScript Editor Pro 3.8,还有一个版本是:1st JavaScript Editor Lite 3.8,他们的差别不大,1st JavaScript Editor Pro 3.8是1st JavaScript Editor Lite 3.8的增强版.你可以选择使用!
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