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使用eclipse Arduino IDE开发 AVR程序

发布时间:2020-05-30 发布时间:



1、装完eclipseArduinoIDE,打开菜单Window>References设置Arduino项,Arduino IDE path指向arduino-1.5.6-r2安装目录,Arduino Librarie path指向arduino-1.5.6-r2的libraries 目录 ,Arduino hardware path指向arduino-1.5.6-r2的hardware 目录 。


:: Recommended usage and things that can go wrong ...
:: This batch file does not tollerate spaces or any other strange characters in the path names.
:: Recommended usage scenario would be to copy the [arduino_IDE_install_directory]/hardware/arduino directory
::   to a temporary directory that you created at the root of a drive ... something like C:_temp will do but feel
::   free to call it what ever you want as long as there are no spaces or special characters in it. This ensures
::   there will not be any spaces in any of the path names and also keeps the original files until you are sure
::   the 1200+ files that will be changed are 'right' before you overwrite the originals.
:: Now that you have C:_temparduino, put this file in the directory. Make sure the extension is .bat as it may have
::   been changed to something else to allow it to pass thru spam and virus scanning software.
:: Run the batch file. It will take a while as it is modifying 1200+ files. If you want to see exactly what it is
::   doing comment out the '@ECHO OFF' ... ':: @ECHO OFF' ... before you execute the batch file.
:: After running the batch file and ensuring you are satisfied with the results replace the contents of the
::   [arduino_IDE_install_directory]/hardware/arduino directory with the contents of the C:_temparduino directory.
:: This batch file does not provide any safeguards related to you doing the wrong thing ... i.e. running it a second time
::   on previously patched files, etc. ... so Stop, Pause, Think is your best course of action.

SET temporaryFile=%CD%temporary_%RANDOM%.txt
SET appendFile=%CD%textToAppend_%RANDOM%.txt
SET prependFile=%CD%textToPrepend_%RANDOM%.txt

ECHO #endif>%appendFile%

SET architecture=AVR
ECHO #ifdef ARDUINO_ARCH_%architecture%>%prependFile%
ECHO #endif /* ARDUINO_ARCH_%architecture% */>%appendFile%

PUSHD %architecture%
FOR /F "usebackq delims=*" %%i IN (`dir /b /s *.cpp /s *.h /s *.c`) DO TYPE %prependFile%>%temporaryFile% & TYPE %%i>>%temporaryFile% & TYPE %appendFile%>>%temporaryFile% & MOVE /Y %temporaryFile% %%i

SET architecture=SAM
ECHO #ifdef ARDUINO_ARCH_%architecture%>%prependFile%
ECHO #endif /* ARDUINO_ARCH_%architecture% */>%appendFile%

PUSHD %architecture%
FOR /F "usebackq delims=*" %%i IN (`dir /b /s *.cpp /s *.h /s *.c`) DO TYPE %prependFile%>%temporaryFile% & TYPE %%i>>%temporaryFile% & TYPE %appendFile%>>%temporaryFile% & MOVE /Y %temporaryFile% %%i

DEL /F /Q %appendFile%
DEL /F /Q %prependFile%


3、在菜单Window>References的C/C++项下面的File Types里面新建两项:*.ino 和*.pde,不建这两项的话没法编译。

File-->new-->new Arduino sketch:
Boards.txt file选项里有avr和sam的两种,我用的nano,所以选avr的。


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