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发布时间:2024-06-19 发布时间:
从GCF-CC 3.33.0版本开始, 如客户的手机(WCDMA)需要GCF认证, 则必须对OTA的性能进行测试, OTA测试合格才可能获得完整的GCF认可.

GCF-CC 3.33.0对OTA的要求如下:


1.“Normative” if the Normative value related to the band defined in 3GPP 34.114 has been reachedorexceeded.

2.“Recommended” if the recommended value related to the band defined in 3GPP 25.144 has been reachedorexceeded.

3.“N/A” if the band is not supported by the DUT (i.e. the band is not applicable)orthe device does not support speech.

事实上在GCF-CC 3.32.x版本中GCF组织就要求并加入了OTA测试, 但该版本对OTA的要求还只是可选的,并不是强制要求,其对应的测试标准为3GPP 34.114 Rel. 8 (Normative), 3GPP 25.144 Rel.8 & 9 (Recommended)。


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