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[ARM笔记]驱动对设备的识别过程及实例——NAND Flash

发布时间:2020-05-23 发布时间:







  89 static struct platform_device *smdk2410_devices[] __initdata = {

  90        &s3c_device_usb,

  91        &s3c_device_lcd,

  92        &s3c_device_wdt,

  93        &s3c_device_i2c,

  94        &s3c_device_iis,

  95 };


 104 static void __init smdk2410_init(void)

 105 {

 106        platform_add_devices(smdk2410_devices, ARRAY_SIZE(smdk2410_devices));

 107        smdk_machine_init();

 108 }



 175 static struct platform_device __initdata *smdk_devs[] = {

 176        &s3c_device_nand,

 177        &smdk_led4,

 178        &smdk_led5,

 179        &smdk_led6,

 180        &smdk_led7,

 181 };


 183 void __init smdk_machine_init(void)

 184 {

 185        /* Configure the LEDs (even if we have no LED support)*/


 187        s3c2410_gpio_cfgpin(S3C2410_GPF4, S3C2410_GPF4_OUTP);

 188        s3c2410_gpio_cfgpin(S3C2410_GPF5, S3C2410_GPF5_OUTP);

 189        s3c2410_gpio_cfgpin(S3C2410_GPF6, S3C2410_GPF6_OUTP);

 190        s3c2410_gpio_cfgpin(S3C2410_GPF7, S3C2410_GPF7_OUTP);


 192        s3c2410_gpio_setpin(S3C2410_GPF4, 1);

 193        s3c2410_gpio_setpin(S3C2410_GPF5, 1);

 194        s3c2410_gpio_setpin(S3C2410_GPF6, 1);

 195        s3c2410_gpio_setpin(S3C2410_GPF7, 1);


 197        if (machine_is_smdk2443())

 198                smdk_nand_info.twrph0 = 50;


 200        s3c_device_nand.dev.platform_data = &smdk_nand_info;


 202        platform_add_devices(smdk_devs, ARRAY_SIZE(smdk_devs));


 204        s3c2410_pm_init();

 205 }


627 int __init s3c2410_pm_init(void)

 628 {

 629        printk("S3C2410 Power Management, (c) 2004 Simtec Electronics ");


 631        suspend_set_ops(&s3c2410_pm_ops);

 632        return 0;

 633 }


NAND Flash设备s3c2410_device_nand在include/arch/arm/plat-s3c24xx/devs.c中的定义如下:

201 struct platform_device s3c_device_nand = {

 202        .name             = "s3c2410-nand",

 203        .id               = -1,

 204        .num_resources    = ARRAY_SIZE(s3c_nand_resource),

 205        .resource         = s3c_nand_resource,

 206 };


 208 EXPORT_SYMBOL(s3c_device_nand); /*导出符号,以便外部文件引用*/



  59 void __init s3c244x_map_io(struct map_desc *mach_desc, int size)


  68        s3c_device_i2c.name  = "s3c2440-i2c";

  69        s3c_device_nand.name = "s3c2440-nand";

  70        s3c_device_usbgadget.name = "s3c2440-usbgadget";

  71 }

有了NAND Flash设备,还要有NAND Flash驱动程序,内核针对S3C2410、S3C2412、S3C2440定义了3个驱动。它们在include/drivers/mtd/nand/s3c2410.c中的s3c2410_nand_init函数中注册进内核,如下所示:

890 static int __init s3c2410_nand_init(void)

 891 {

 892        printk("S3C24XX NAND Driver, (c) 2004 Simtec Electronics ");


 894        platform_driver_register(&s3c2412_nand_driver);

 895        platform_driver_register(&s3c2440_nand_driver);

 896        return platform_driver_register(&s3c2410_nand_driver);

 897 }


857 static struct platform_driver s3c2410_nand_driver = {

 858        .probe          = s3c2410_nand_probe,

 859        .remove         = s3c2410_nand_remove,

 860        .suspend        = s3c24xx_nand_suspend,

 861        .resume         = s3c24xx_nand_resume,

 862        .driver         = {

 863                .name   = "s3c2410-nand",

 864                .owner  = THIS_MODULE,

 865        },

 866 };

可见,s3c_device_nand结构和s3c2410_nand_driver结构中的name成员相同,都是“s3c2410-nand”。platform_driver_register函数就是根据这点确定它们是匹配的,所以调用s3c2410_nand_probe函数枚举NAND Flash设备s3c2410_device_nand。

关键字:ARM  驱动  设备  识别过程  NAND  Flash 


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