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发布时间:2023-12-13 发布时间:

#define COM1_BASE 0x03F8#define COM1_IRQ_MASK 0xEF /*11101111B IRQ 4 For COM1 */#define COM1_IRQ_EOI 0x64 /* IRQ 4 Spec EOI */#define COM1_INT_NUM 0x0C /* Int # for IRQ4 */

#define COM2_BASE 0x02F8#define COM2_IRQ_MASK 0xF7 /*11110111B IRQ 3 For COM2 */#define COM2_IRQ_EOI 0x63 /* IRQ 3 Spec EOI */#define COM2_INT_NUM 0x0B /* Int # for IRQ3 */

/* 8250 ACE register defs */

#define THR 0 /* Offset to Xmit hld reg (write) */#define RBR 0 /* Receiver holding buffer (read) */#define IER 1 /* Interrupt enable register */#define IIR 2 /* Interrupt identification reg */#define LCR 3 /* Line control register */#define MCR 4 /* Modem control register */#define LSR 5 /* Line status register */#define MSR 6 /* Modem status register */

#define SREG(x) ((unsigned)((unsigned)x + c->com_base))

/* 8259 Int controller registers */

#define INTC_MASK 0x21 /* Interrupt controller MASK reg */#define INTC_EOI 0x20 /* Interrupt controller EOI reg */

#define MAX_PORTS 2 /* # I/O ports (DOS limit) */static int count = 0;static COM com_list[MAX_PORTS]; /* I/O data structure */

static COM *com1; /* Pointers for interrupt actions */static COM *com2;static COM *com_xfer; /* Transfer interrupt data structure */

COM *ser_init0(int port,char *ibuf,int isize, char *obuf,int osize);void ser_close0( COM *c );

void (_interrupt _far int_ser1)( void ); /* Int rtn for serial I/O COM 1 */void (_interrupt _far int_ser2)( void ); /* Int rtn for serial I/O COM 2 */void (_interrupt _far int_ser_sup)( void ); /* Support int actions */

COM *ser_init( int port,int baud,int bit,int parity,int isize,int osize ){ unsigned status; char ch; COM *c; char *in_buf,*out_buf;

status = _bios_serialcom(_COM_INIT,port,(bit | parity | _COM_STOP2| baud ));

in_buf = malloc( isize ); if( in_buf == NULL ) return( NULL );

out_buf = malloc( osize ); if( out_buf == NULL ) return( NULL );

c = ser_init0(port,in_buf,isize,out_buf,osize );


return( c );}

void ser_close(COM *c){ int i;

if( !c->ready ) return;


free( c->in_buf ); free( c->out_buf );


char serline( COM *c ){

if( !c->ready ) return(FALSE);

if( c->in_crcnt > 0 ) return( TRUE ); else return( FALSE );}

int getsers( COM *c,int len,char *str ){ char ch; int i;

i = 0; while( i

ch = 0x7f & getser(c); switch( ch ) {

case 0x0d: str[i++] = '\0'; return( i );

case 0x00: case 0x0a: break;

default: str[i++] = ch; break; } }

str[i] = '\0'; return( len );}

int putsers( char *str, COM *c ){ int n,i,j;

n = strlen( str );

for( i=0; i

return( n );}

char putser( char outch, COM *c ){ char val;

if( !c->ready ) return(FALSE);

while( !c->out_mt && (c->out_head == c->out_tail) );

if( !c->out_full ) { c->out_buf[c->out_head++] = outch; if( c->out_head == c->out_size ) c->out_head = 0; /* Reset buffer circularly */ }

if( c->out_head == c->out_tail ) { c->out_full = TRUE; return( FALSE ); } else c->out_full = FALSE;

val = inp( SREG(LCR) ); /* Reset DLAB for IER access */ val &= 0x7F; /* Clear IER access bit */ outp(SREG(LCR),val);

val = inp( SREG(IER) ); if( !(val & 0x02) ) /* Interrupt ON ? */ {

c->out_mt = FALSE; /* Not MT now */ _disable(); /* Interrupts OFF NOW */ outp(SREG(IER),0x03); /* RX & TX interrupts ON */ _enable(); /* Interrupts ON again */ }

return( TRUE );}

char serhit( COM *c ){ if( !c->ready ) return(FALSE);

if( !c->in_mt ) return( TRUE ); else return( FALSE );}

int getser( COM *c ){ int ch;

if( !c->ready ) return(FALSE);

if( !serhit(c) ) return( 0 );


ch = 0xff & c->in_buf[c->in_tail++]; if( c->in_tail == c->in_size ) c->in_tail = 0;

if( c->in_tail == c->in_head ) c->in_mt = TRUE;

if( ch == CR ) /* Keep track of CR's */ c->in_crcnt--;


return( ch );}

void clean_ser( COM *c ){ _disable();

c->in_head = 0; c->in_tail = 0; c->in_mt = TRUE; c->in_crcnt = 0;


void cntl_dtr( int flag,COM *c ){ char val;

if( !c->ready ) return;

val = inp(SREG(MCR));

if( flag ) val |= 1; else val &= ~1;


void cntl_rts( int flag, COM *c ){ char val;

if( !c->ready ) return;

val = inp(SREG(MCR));

if( flag ) val |= 2; else val &= ~2;


COM *ser_init0(int port,char *ibuf,int isize, char *obuf,int osize){ int i; char val; COM *c;

while( port >= MAX_PORTS ) /* Get port # in range */ port--; for( i=0; i

if( i == MAX_PORTS ) /* Not found */ return( NULL );

c->in_buf = ibuf; c->in_size = isize; c->in_mt = TRUE; c->in_head = 0; c->in_tail = 0; c->in_crcnt = 0;

c->out_buf = obuf; c->out_size = osize; c->out_full = FALSE; c->out_mt = TRUE; c->out_head = 0; c->out_tail = 0;

switch( port ) {

case 0: /* Here set up for COM1 */ c->ready = TRUE; c->com_base = COM1_BASE; c->irq_mask = COM1_IRQ_MASK; c->irq_eoi = COM1_IRQ_EOI; c->int_number = COM1_INT_NUM;


com1 = c; c->old = _dos_getvect( c->int_number ); _dos_setvect(c->int_number,int_ser1); break;

case 1: /* Here set up for COM1 */ c->ready = TRUE; c->com_base = COM2_BASE; c->irq_mask = COM2_IRQ_MASK; c->irq_eoi = COM2_IRQ_EOI; c->int_number = COM2_INT_NUM;


com2 = c; c->old = _dos_getvect( c->int_number ); _dos_setvect(c->int_number,int_ser2); break;

default: return(NULL); /* Bad port SKIP */ }

val = inp( INTC_MASK ); val &= c->irq_mask; outp( INTC_MASK, val );

val = inp( SREG(LSR) ); /* Read and discard STATUS */ val = inp( SREG(RBR) ); /* Read and discard DATA */

val = inp( SREG(LCR) ); /* Rst DLAB for IER access */ val &= 0x7F; /* 01111111B */ outp( SREG(LCR),val );

outp( SREG(IER),1); /* Enable Data READY INT */

outp( SREG(MCR),0xB ); /* Enable OUT2,RTS & DTR */


return( c );


void ser_close0( COM *c ){ char val;

if( !c->ready ) return;


val = inp(INTC_MASK); val |= ~c->irq_mask; outp(INTC_MASK,val);

val = inp( SREG(LCR) ); /* Reset DLAB for IER access */ val &= 0x7F; /* Clear IER access bit */ outp(SREG(LCR),val);

val = inp( SREG(RBR) ); val = inp( SREG(LSR)); val = inp(SREG(IIR) ); val = inp(SREG(IER) ); outp(SREG(IER),0); /* Disable 8250 Interrupts */

outp(SREG(MCR),0); /* Disable RTS,DTR and OUT2 */

outp(SREG(MCR),0); /* Disable OUT2 */

_dos_setvect(c->int_number, c->old );


c->ready = FALSE;


void _interrupt _far int_ser1( void ){

com_xfer = com1; _chain_intr( int_ser_sup );}

void _interrupt _far int_ser2( void ){

com_xfer = com2; _chain_intr( int_ser_sup );}

void _interrupt _far int_ser_sup( void ){ char val; char ch; int ptr; COM *c;

c = com_xfer;

while( TRUE ) { val = inp( SREG(LSR) ); /* Read and discard STATUS */ val = inp( SREG(IIR) ); /* Get interrupt status register */

if( val & 0x04 ) /* Receive Interrupt */ {

ptr = c->in_head; ch = inp( SREG(RBR) );

if( c->in_mt || ptr != c->in_tail ) { c->in_buf[ptr++] = ch; if( ptr == c->in_size ) ptr = 0; c->in_head = ptr; c->in_mt = FALSE;

if( ch == CR ) /* Count lines */ c->in_crcnt++; } } else { if( val & 0x02 ) /* Transmit Interrupt */ { if( (!c->out_full) && (c->out_head == c->out_tail) ) {

c->out_mt = TRUE; val = inp( SREG(LCR) ); val &= 0x7F; outp(SREG(LCR),val);

outp(SREG(IER),0x01);/* RX interrupts ON */ } else {

outp(SREG(THR), c->out_buf[c->out_tail++]); if( c->out_tail == c->out_size ) c->out_tail = 0; } } else return; /* No Interrupt */ }

outp(INTC_EOI,c->irq_eoi); }}



#include #include

void putch(unsigned char);unsigned char getch(void);

main(){ unsigned char ch;

SCON = 0x50; TMOD |= 0x20; TH1 = 0xfd; TL1 = 0xfd; TR1 = 1; TI = 1; RI = 0; while(1) { ch = getch(); putch(ch);


void putch(unsigned char ch) {

SBUF = ch; TI = 0; while(!TI);}

unsigned char getch(void) {

while(!RI); RI = 0; return(SBUF);




unsigned char RR_iHead; /* receiver head index */unsigned char RR_iTail; /* receiver tail index */unsigned char RR_cLev; /* receiver buffer count */unsigned char RR_cMax; /* receiver buffer count */

unsigned char TR_iHead; /* transmitter head index */unsigned char TR_iTail; /* transmitter tail index */unsigned char TR_cLev; /* transmitter buffer count */unsigned char TR_cMax; /* transmitter buffer count */

unsigned char UnGotCh; /* saved char for ungetch() */

unsigned char SerFlags; /* serial flag */

bit FlagTransIdle; /* set when transmitter is finished */bit FlagStripOutLF; /* don't send linefeeds */bit FlagCvtInCR; /* convert incoming CR to LF */

unsigned char TestBits;

#define INRINGSIZE 128 /* must be <= 254 to avoid wraps */#define OUTRINGSIZE 250 /* ditto */

#define T1RELOAD 253

#define CR 13#define LF 10#define ESC 27

#define EOF -1

unsigned char xdata RRing[INRINGSIZE]; /* receiver ring buffer */unsigned char xdata TRing[OUTRINGSIZE]; /* receiver ring buffer */

int putstr (const char *);int putch(int);int chkch();int getch();void SerWaitOutDone();int SerFlushIn();int putc(int TransChar);


/* CONSOLE.C -- serial I/O code */

/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/返回页首/* Initialize serial port hardware and variables */

#include #include "serint.h"

void SerInitialize() {

SerFlags = 0;

FlagTransIdle = 1; FlagCvtInCR = 1; /* want to turn CRs into LFs */ RR_iHead = RR_iTail = RR_cLev = RR_cMax = 0; TR_iHead = TR_iTail = TR_cLev = TR_cMax = 0; UnGotCh = -1;

/*--- set up Timer 1 to produce serial rate */

TCON &= 0x3F; /* clear run & interrupt flags */ TMOD &= 0x0F; /* flush existing Timer 1 setup */ TMOD |= 0x20; /* flush existing Timer 1 setup */

SCON = 0x50; /* flush existing Timer 1 setup */ PCON |= 0x00; TH1 = TL1 = T1RELOAD & 0x00FF; /* flush existing Timer 1 setup */ TR1 = 1; /* start the timer */ ES = 1; /* enable serial interrupts */}

/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/返回页首/* Serial console interrupt handler *//* If transmitter output is disabled, we fake trans interrupts until empty */

void SerInt() interrupt 4{

if(RI) { /* receiver interrupt active? */ if(RR_cLev

if(TI) { /* transmitter interrupt active? */ if(TR_cLev) { /* anything to send? */ SBUF = TRing[TR_iTail]; /* fetch next char and send it */ TR_cLev--; /* tick size counter */ TR_iTail++; /* tick the index */ if(TR_iTail==OUTRINGSIZE) TR_iTail = 0; /* hit end of array yet? */ } else FlagTransIdle = 1;/* no, flag inactive */

TI = 0; /* indicate done with it */ }


/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/返回页首/* Send character to console *//* Can strip LFs, in which case you get CR instead of LF/CR */

int putch(int TransChar){ putc(TransChar); /* if not LF, handle normally */ if(TransChar=='\n') putc('\r'); /* if LF, send a CR */}

int putc(int TransChar){

while(TR_cLev>=OUTRINGSIZE); /* wait for space in ring */ ES = 0; TRing[TR_iHead] = TransChar; /* point to char slot */ TR_iHead++; /* tick counter & index */ TR_cLev++; if(TR_iHead==OUTRINGSIZE) TR_iHead = 0; if(FlagTransIdle) { FlagTransIdle = 0; /* kickstart transmitter if idle */ TI = 1; }

ES = 1; return(TransChar);}

/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*//* Decide if there are any pending chars *//* Returns nonzero if there's a char */

int chkch() {

return(RR_cLev); /* tack on current level */}

/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/返回页首/* Wait for the serial transmitter to go idle *//* If the transmitter is disabled, that's considered to be the same thing */

void SerWaitOutDone() {

while (TR_cLev); /* wait for ring empty */ while(!FlagTransIdle); /* wait for last char */}

/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/返回页首/* Flush the input buffer *//* Returns number of chars flushed */

int SerFlushIn() {

ES = 0; /* turn off serial interrupts */ RR_iTail = 0; /* reset ring variables */ RR_iHead = 0; RR_cLev = 0; ES = 1; /* turn on serial interrupts */


/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/返回页首/* Get character from console *//* CRs turn into LFs unless we're not doing that... */

int getch() { int RetVal;

ES = 0; /* avoid interruptions */

if(RR_cLev) { /* anything pending? */ RetVal = RRing[RR_iTail]; if(RetVal=='\r') RetVal = '\n'; /* use LF instead of CR */ RR_iTail++; /* tick size index & counter */ RR_cLev--; if(RR_iTail==INRINGSIZE) RR_iTail = 0; /* hit end of array yet? */ } else RetVal = -1;

ES = 1; return(RetVal);}

/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/返回页首/* Send string to console *//* putstr(char *pString); *//* The ?putstr entry point has *pString in DPTR */

int putstr (char *pstring){ while(*pstring) { /* fetch character if zero done */ putch(*pstring); pstring++; /* continue... */ }}







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