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Mplab X IDE V_4.05

发布时间:2020-08-21 发布时间:

Mplab x ide v_4.05使用

1Setup standard project 

a.open the maplab x ide file[FILE]->[NEW PROJECT] in the menu bar. 

b.wizard steps 

a.choose project “standard project” 

b.device type “PIC24HJGP306” 

c.select tool other:[licensed debugger]->”EL9800 PIC kit on Board” 

d.select XC 16 compiler 

e.select project nam “xxxx” and foler. 

c.open the connext menu of the “Heard files” “add the existing item”add all .h files. 

d.open the connext menu of the “Sourced files”add the existing item add all .c files.

2.XC16 Compiler 

a.define a head size(e.g 1000 bytes) 

a.open the project context menu ->properties ->xc-16-ld 

b,to compiles the ssc select[run]->[build main project] in the menu bar.


a. Enable the on board debugger interface. set dipswitch SW600 

b.Select Debug ->”debug main prject”


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