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发布时间:2023-09-27 发布时间:

Atmel公司的ATA6823 H 桥驱动器集成电路采用0.8微米 BCD-on-SOI 技术 (SMARTIS™),提供业界最高的集成水平,并包含 H 桥结构中完整的微控制器控制的直流电机系统所需要的所有功能块。该器件可在 1.5A 至 100A 以上的电流下工作,这种灵活性使 ATA6823 适合于众多不同的应用。

ATA6823 不仅仅是一种简单的驱动器 IC。实际上,它是一种完整的系统 IC,除驱动级外,还包括以下功能块:为外置微控制器供电的管脚可调节式 5V/3.3V 稳压器;独立于微控制器时钟运行的可编程视窗看门狗 (window watchdog);以及与 Atmel的独立 LIN2.0 收发器 ATA6662 同样的 LIN 收发器 IP。目前市场上还没有其他设备能集所有这些功能于一身。ATA6823 的控制逻辑具有在正常情况下由微控制器提供的定时功能。这些定时功能可通过防止交叉传导而保护外置晶体管。因此,采用 ATA6823 能够减少系统设计人员的编程工作,因为只有两个微控制器功能,即电机方向和 PWM 模式,需要进行编程。这有助于实现更快、更稳定的设计,并缩短产品上市时间。

该 IC 还具有极低的电流消耗,在休眠模式 (sleep mode) 低于45微安,这降低了电池供电型系统的电流消耗。

与 Atmel 所有驱动器 IC 一样,ATA6823 提供各种保护功能(欠压、过压、短路和超温)。ATA6823 还能够满足严格的汽车条件要求(防止传导干扰影响、EMC 和 ESD 保护),并能够耐受 ISO/TR 7637 中说明的瞬变现象。


The ATA6823 is designed for several body and powertrain applications. The IC is

used to drive a continuous current motor in a full H-bridge configuration. An external

MICROCONTROLLER controls the driving function of the IC by providing a PWM signal and a

direction signal and allows the use of the IC in a motor-control application. The PWM

control is performed by the low-side SWITCH; the high-side switch is permanently on in

the driving phase. The VMODE configuration pin can be set to 5V or 3.3V mode (for

REGULATOR and INTERFACE high level). The window watchdog has a programmable time,

programmable by choosing a certain value of the external watchdog RESISTOR RWD,

internally trimmed to an accuracy of 10%. For communication a LIN transceiver 2.0 is



PWM and Direction-controlled Driving of Four Externally-powered NMOS Transistors

A Programmable Dead Time Is Included to Avoid Peak Currents Within the H-bridge

Integrated Charge Pump to Provide Gate Voltages for High-side Drivers and to Supply

the Gate of the External BATTERY REVERSE Protection NMOS

5V/3.3V Regulator and Current Limitation Function

Reset Derived From 5V/3.3V Regulator OUTPUT Voltage

Sleep Mode With Supply Current of Typically < 45 μA, Wake-up by Signal on Pins EN2

or on LIN Interface

A Programmable Window Watchdog

Battery Overvoltage Protection and Battery Undervoltage Management

Overtemperature Warning and Protection (Shutdown)

LIN 2.0 Compliant

3.3V/5V Regulator with Trimmed Band Gap




ATA6823 应用电路板能驱动直流马达,电源是8V-18V.

The ATA6823 application board allows the running of a DC motor. The supply voltage

is 8V to 18V, MAXIMUM power of the DC motor is limited by the external H-bridge

MOSFETs. No microcontroller is implemented on-board. It is possible to control the

motor either via an external microcontroller (with or without LIN bus), or directly (usingthe DIR and PWM pins).


HEADER Pins X1 to Connect to LIN Bus as well as Power Supply Output and EN2Wake-up

Microcontroller CONNECTOR Interface

4-mm Banana Plugs to Connect Power Supply BAT and GND

Included Power DC Motor On-board, Turn Direction Indicated by LEDs

Vias M+ and M– to Connect Optional DC Motor

Optional Connection of External Motor H-bridge

Push-button EN2 to Wake-up ATA6823

JUMPER VMODE to SELECT VCC Output Voltage Level

Jumper RWD to Select Different WD Resistors

Shunt for DC Motor Current Measurement


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