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发布时间:2023-10-08 发布时间:

Blood Analyzer


AN-803: Pin Compatible High Speed ADCs Simplify Design Tasks (pdf, 365,050 bytes)

AN-793: ESD/Latch-Up Considerations with iCoupler® Isolation PRODUCTS (pdf, 252,700 bytes)

AN-737: How ADIsimADC™ Models an ADC (pdf, 291,797 bytes)

AN-724: ADUC702X Serial Download Protocol (pdf, 154,552 bytes)

AN-715: A First Approach to IBIS Models: What They Are and How They Are Generated (pdf, 379,082 bytes)

PulSAR® Input Range SOFTWARE

(zip, 13,369,673 bytes)

AN-501: Aperture Uncertainty and ADC SYSTEM Performance (pdf, 233,126 bytes)

A Key Concern in IF Sampling is that of Aperture Uncertainty (Jitter)

AN-138: SPICE-Compatible Op Amp Macro-Models (pdf, 858,957 bytes)

AN-117: OP-42 ADVANCED SPICE Macro-Model (pdf, 172,274 bytes)

AB-3: DIGITAL Nulling of PRECISION Op Amps (pdf, 64,744 bytes)

AN-726: Triple-Supply Power-Good Indication with the ADM108x (pdf, 77,150 bytes)


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