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发布时间:2021-08-02 发布时间:
DEK held a Stencils Technology Day at its Weymouth with customers the findings from its recent lead-free print trials, and provide hands-on experience technologies and their application.

The main event was the presentation Global Applied Process Manager. The key conclusion was that having a stencil which is well-designed and specified for its application has the greatest impact process performance, whether the application is lead-free materials composition was shown to be a secondary element. Electroformed system performed better than squeegees in consistency technology and ball placement.

"The event was a great success," said DEK's George Ritchie, who SMT and semiconductor, demonstrating the diversity other industry partners."

Feedback from the 32 customers who attended DEK's Stencils Technology Day has been extremely positive. Many commented standard target=_blank>零八我的爱


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